"A rich competitive sandbox that handsomely rewards your time and energy, Doto 2 isn't just a game—it's a hobby and a passion."

"Once you start to learn its secrets, there’s a wild and exciting variety of play here that’s unmatched, even by its peers"

"A great PvP game that offers some of the most intriguing and nuanced team combat around."
Game Overview

Choose A Side and Win the Battle

The Radiant is a faction in Doto 2 that revolves around light, heat and life. Most of the heroes from the faction are seen as protectors and champions of good.
The Dire is a faction in Doto 2. Its hero base revolves around Darkness and Evil, as opposed to the Radiant's Light and Justice. Most of the heroes from the Dire have backgrounds that imply or show their darker sides.